یوسف وھبي بطل ملاكمة غیور على حبیبتة في صوت وصورة‎

یشارك الممثل الشاب یوسف وھبي في مسلسل صوت وصورة من خلال شخصیة حازم الطالب الجامعيوبطل الملاكمة الذي یتمتع بطباع الرجل الشرقي في غیرتھ الشدیدة على حبیبتھ، وھي طباع تختلف عن ماقدمھ من قبل كشاب رومانسي حالم وكیوت.

مع إنطلاق أولى حلقات مسلسل صوت وصورة، نشاھد لمحات من شخصیة حازم (یوسف وھبي)، بعد

فوزه في إحدى مباریات الملاكمة تظھر علیھ ملامح الثقة بالنفس الزائدة حینما یحذره والده (مراد مكرم)من الغرور الذي قد ینقلب علیھ، ثم بعدھا یظھر في خلاف مع حبیبتھ لغیرتھ الشدیدة علیھا بسبب ملابسھاویظھر تصرفات حادة وغاضبة.

بینما جسد وھبي في الجزء الثالث من مسلسل لیھ لأ؟! مع النجمة نیللي كریم دور عمر، الشاب الجامعيالحالم، الذي عاش قصة حب من طرف واحد تجاه زمیلتھ في الجامعة، وكان یتمتع بشخصیة مسالمة،وأثار تعاطف المشاھدین مع قصتھ لیلفت إلیھ الأنظار كممثل شاب واعد.

تدور أحداث مسلسل صوت وصورة حول رضوى التي تنقلب حیاتھا ھي وأسرتھا رأساً على عقب بعد أنتتعرض للتحرش من طبیب التجمیل الذي تعمل لدیھ، فتقودھا صدمتھا الشدیدة إلى الانتقام منھ. والمسلسلبطولة حنان مطاوع، نجلاء بدر، مراد مكرم، صدقي صخر، عمرو وھبة، وتألیف محمد سلیمان عبدالملك، وإخراج محمد عبد التواب، ویعرض من السبت إلى الأربعاء، على قناةdmc  في الساعة 8 مساءً،بالتوازي مع عرضھ على منصةwatch it .

Youssef Wahby stands out as a jealous boxer in SOT W SORA

After stirring a huge buzz with his memorable performance in Shahid’s top-viewed series LEIH LAA?!, rising Egyptian actor Youssef Wahby continues to captivate audiences with his role in the TV series SOT W SORA, in which he stars as Hazem — a university student and boxer with jealousy issues and toxic masculinity traits.

Hazem is certainly a departure from Wahby’s previous role as the romantic and dreamy Omar in LEIH LAA?!, further showcasing his versatility as an actor.

In the first episodes of the social drama SOT W SORA — which recently started airing on DMC and Watch It — we’re introduced to a Hazem who’s fresh out of a win in a boxing match, caught up in his brash pride, and reveling in his larger than life attitude, prompting his father to advise him to be more considerate and not to be fooled by temporary successes.

Later on, we see him in a heated argument with his girlfriend about her choice of attire, expressing anger at her nonchalance and making no attempt to hide his jealousy for any attention she may or may not be getting.

It’ll be interesting to see if Hazem develops as a character by growing past his bravado and insecurities throughout the runtime of the show, or if his character arc may go in an entirely different direction. Whichever the case, we know that Wahby has put on a strong performance in these first few episodes, and we look forward to seeing what kind of nuance he’ll be introducing to the character as the story progresses.

Starring Hanan Motawie, Naglaa Badr, Mourad Makram, Sedky Sakhr, and Amr Wahba, SOT W SORA revolves around Radwa, whose life is thrown into disarray after she is harassed by her boss, traumatizing her and prompting her to plot her revenge.

Wahby first popped onto the scene in the first season of the smash-hit family series MAWDOU AELI as a university student who was one of Rana Raeis’s friends.

Leaving quite the impression on audiences around the MENA region in hist first outing, he then landed a role in the TV series LEIH LAA?! as the romantic and dreamy Omar, which he knocked out of the park and cemented him as a serious rising actor.

Currently, Wahby is waiting for the release of his first film, EL HAREEFA, in which he co-stars with Nour El-Nabawy, Ahmed Ghozzi, and Youssef Omar, with Raouf El-Sayed helming the film.

Wahby graduated from the AUC School of Business with a bachelor’s in marketing before deciding to pursue a career in acting. He then enrolled in several acting courses to hone his skills — including one taught by Luke and Ramsi Leiner and another by renowned acting coach Gerald James — before making an appearance in the first season of the smash hit family series MAWDOO AAELY (A FAMILY MATTER).